Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Remember, how in a childhood you studied to play any new game. You were not left with sensation, that the game doesn’t master in any
way, and you with envy glanced at more successful contemporaries, with a
kind of winners shown the successes. Their triumph responded in
Your heart, forcing you painfully to experience each mistake.
Gradually misunderstanding of game rules or absence of due skill led you
to loss of any interest to game. As a matter of fact, you started to avoid
situations where similar game could arise. During such moments you
spoke, that it’s already time to go home, or thought out any other reason,
only to find the justification to the leaving.
But in one perfect day you has bothered to feel the derelict. You
tired from felling of the inferiority and uncountable disappointments
also have decided to change a state of affairs. Having lighted up this idea,
you have decided to reach all independently. Have got chess pieces or cubes
and have tried to get hold of the information on how to play ill-starred
game. You mastered rules again and again. In full loneliness hours practiced
game, long deliberating above each course. In the beginning nothing turned
out. You threw the game and were accepted to it again. You showed the big
patience, and here once everything was the best, as it is necessary! Since this
moment you could play game on the same level. In comparison with
development of new game’s rules skill to fell orgasm is found by similar
way. Your body is an arrangement calculated on orgasm achievement. I am a person
giving the necessary information. You only should to
master this information and to reach good level of skill. Be patience and everythinf will
come in!
Sometimes the woman simulates orgasm approaching, first, to give pleasure to
the man and, second, to avoid its representation about her as about "Snow Maiden".
It happens not so often, but we have started talking time on this theme,
it is necessary to know, that similar simulation is capable to interfere
with natural orgasm approaching. It happens because orgasm simulation does not
allow your most important sexual organ- "brain" to function in a mode of
concentration, on experienced by you a minute of intimate affinity
sensations. Simulation demands, that ideas have been borrowed by that the
partner as only in this case you will manage in time does to pretend and
play the role. But this circumstance also distracts from performance of the
most important condition necessary for orgasm achievement, concentration
of attention on experienced feelings.
To achieve orgasm approaching , it is not necessary to search for any
certain area of the genitals, influence on which would cause in you the
strongest sensations. Such area is in a brain of the woman and is
responsible for concentration of attention. This mysterious area of a brain
we shall name it " area K " " bears the responsibility and for your
ability to concentration, and for the subsequent orgasm approaching.
If genitals have not been connected with a brain, you would not feel any
pleasure from sex. Our brain is «the basic ", the center of pleasure,
responsible for pleasure which you feel. A brain in a condition to compensate
inept actions of your beloved. I do not try to wake you desire to
shut eyes to inability of the partner to deliver to you the highest
pleasure, but I wish to tell, that skill to concentrate attention to an
event is capable to work wonders and to remunerate your efforts one of the
greatest miracles - orgasm.
This exercise will help you to learn to concentrate attention to
reactions of each part of a body and will develop your ability to perceive
born sensations without removal of any estimation by it. Study a rule, then and follow to recommendations. postpone the book
Close eyes. Put hands on knees and sit motionlessly. Focus attention in
the center of a brain. Present, that here there is a candle. Mentally
light it. Force yourself to see, how the flame inflames all more brightly
and more brightly.
Clean a candle, but leave a flame all as brightly to burn in the center
of your brain. Manage to distinguish shades of colors of the flame, passing
from is gentle-blue in its bottom part up to bright orange in top.
Feel, as heat of a flame fills a head with pleasant heat. Will feel heat
of a flame on the face. Again collect heat of a flame in a point of
burning. Will feel on the face a cool.
Here the flame starts to fall slowly, warming a throat and shoulders.
Feel, as extends it warmly, bringing with itself deep calm. Collect heat of
a flame in a point of burning and feel, as the throat and shoulders are
enveloped with a pleasant cool.
Continuing to fall, the flame reaches a level of a breast. It inflames
all more hotly. Feel, as it warmly penetrates all breasts, satureting itself
teats. Listen how teats swell and start to radiate heat. Collect heat
of a flame in a point of burning and allow him to lower still below to
depth of a stomach, up to a hips level .
Observe a flame. It starts to inflame even more brightly, becomes
purple-red, ruby, golden-orange. It warmly fills each section of a
stomach, hips, collects and pulses in a vagina. Experience, as to you
becomes more hotly and more easy. Collect heat in a point of burning and
will feel, how on change to him the pleasant cool comes.
Track how the flame starts to move slowly in the opposite direction,
rising to the top part of a stomach, a breast, shoulders, a throat, and
fades in the center of your brain.
Bring under a flame I shine and will extinguish it.
Do not refuse this exercise if at once not all turns out.