Monday, July 23, 2007

Dating Sex - Why Does She Rejects Having Sex With You?

There will be a time when the sexual relationship between you and your partner turns cold, and it is extremely important for you to know what the reasons behind it are if you still want to maintain the dating sex relationship with your partner.

For some cases, even if you ask her what the reasons are, she may come out with excuses or simply will not be telling you the truth. Therefore, you may need to reflect on yourself. Recall what you did to get her, and whether are you still doing them to keep her by your side on bed.

Check your action against the list below to see whether you are doing things that are turning women off:

1. You are not listening. Women want their guys to provide listening ears to them. She may have tried to talk to you but you didn't want to hear her. You took this as just more nagging.

2. You do not provide the excitement anymore. Foreplay is a very important part of a blissful sexual experience. You may be rushing things too often, which has greatly dampened the excitement.

3. You are only interested in sex. If she feels that all you want from her is sex, she will be turned off. Do not just try to work on sex techniques. Spend time to work on the relationship between the both of you. Once you take care of this, good sex will follow.

4. She feels that you have changed. Maybe you were living a lie to try to attract her. Now that you have gotten her, you have reverted back to who you truly are. If she feels that you have deceived her just to have sex, she will turn cold towards you.

5. It may have nothing to do with you. Women are very emotional, and are greatly affected by other things that are happening in their lives. These other concerns will affect how sexy she feels and also how much she will want to have sex.

Once you have identified what the problems are, you can now have a good talk with your partner and try to turn the fire back in the bedroom.